Debit Card Optimization Services
What institution doesn't want more non-interest income? So let us help you take the profitability of your debit card portfolio to new heights.

Ask Yourself . . .

Is your Debit Card program profitable? Can it be better?

Is your bank's debit card "top of the wallet" both physically and digitally with your customers?

Are you maximizing the performance of your debit card portfolio?
We Can Help
At Genesys, more often than not, our clients are unsure of how to respond to these questions. Most banks experience frustration when they try to understand the profitability of their debit card program and are missing out on much-needed non-interest income. Effectively managing the expense and income associated with your debit card program will help your bank achieve new levels of profitability. Genesys offers two fully managed engagements that help your institution get the most out of its' debit card portfolio.
Card Branding Negotiations
We manage the process of negotiating a direct agreement with Mastercard, Visa, or Discover. We engage each brand and submit an RFP, whereby the incumbent brand competes to keep your business, while the other brand competes to earn it. We help navigate the income and expense variables and choose a ‘front-of-card’ brand partner that is right relationship fit for you.
Pin Network Analysis
In today’s landscape, having multiple networks is no longer advantageous for the issuer. Our ‘back-of card’ PIN evaluation will look at your current network configuration and help you choose an exclusive network partner that is the most beneficial and profitable for the bank. With every Core/ EFT engagement, we look at processing costs. With a PIN Analysis, we go deeper to uncover and detail all income and expenses associated with your card program.
You Reap the Rewards

Significant up-front incentives and/or increased interchange income.

Direct representation and relationship with the Brand or Network you choose.

Potential annual growth incentives, discounts, rebates, and marketing support.

Operational best practices and education around a very complicated revenue stream.

Subsidize new initiatives like tokenization, contactless cards, and digital issuance.