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This Month In


Volume 1 | Issue 8 | July 2016


Interesting Reads

The Real Cost of Hosting Your Bank’s Email Server and Why Outsourcing Is More Cost Efficient

Cost and efficiency are the two aspects of a product or process that any community financial institution must balance as it strives to find middle ground that satisfies stakeholder needs … Continue reading >

Regulators Aim for Banks' Achilles' Heel with New Cybersecurity Plan

American Banker | July 22, 2016 - Banks typically respond to pending regulations with a mixture of fear and dread, but new cybersecurity requirements being developed by the banking agencies may be met with relief...Read More >

Missing from the Political Conventions: Bank Lobbyists

by IAN MCKENDRY | July 26, 2016 - Most banks are staying away from both the Republican and Democratic national conventions, in part because both parties are engaging in anti-bank rhetoric.

How the Durbin Amendment Has Failed Banks, Consumers

by Camden R. Fine | July 25, 2016 - The Beltway debate between the retail and financial sectors over the electronic payment system has flared up again. While retailers are lobbying Congress...Read More >

Why Bankers Everywhere Should Care About Consolidation in N.C.

American Banker | July 5, 2016 - North Carolina has lost more than 40% of its banks in the past decade, creating a new tier of larger institutions. More deals are expected to occur, raising questions about the pace of M&A and the fate of those bigger banks.  Read More >

The Good, Bad and Surprising News About Millennials

by Brad Jones | July 26, 2016 - As the rising star of American generations, Millennials are earning grown-up distinctions that make this group of young adults a prime target for financial institutions looking to grow their household portfolios. For instance, the long-term Millennial employment and economic potential are particularly promising. In 2015, they officially took over... Read More >  

Vendor News

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Get the latest news on what the core vendors did this month.

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Coming Soon...

Services Spotlight

Contract Negotiations:

Banks hire us all the time just to review their contracts.  Let us take a look and help you identify the areas of your agreements that can hurt you the most.  Click here...


New Product Installation and Launch

Did you know that we help our customers launch new products and services.  We know you are busy so let us manage the process to get your new services off the ground.  Interested?  Click here...

Migration Management

Moving from in-house to outsourcing?  We manage migrations all the time.  Let us deal with the details while you run the bank. Interested?  Click here...


Forward Facings Systems Assessment

Have you ever wondered how your customers perceive your systems or more importantly how you stack up to your competition?  Let us take a look...

Featured Article

Protecting Yourself in Times of Consolidation
by David Saylor | President & Founder

How do you protect yourself from something you never could imagine would happen?  The answer can’t.  You can, however, play and adjust.  Over the last eight years we have seen massive consolidation in the banking industry.  Banks are acquiring to survive as are the vendors.  This has created an unforeseen dynamic related to the operating agreements that govern the relationship between these two entities.  At some point the vendors recognized that there is no real language governing the cost to terminate their agreements.  Some major vendors in the banking technology industry have the spent the last four years ratcheting up these fees to the point where it is absolutely absurd, opportunistic and predatory.    Read more...

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Verse to Live By...

Words to live by for sure...

Luke 8:17

Genesys Update

  1. GET A FREE YETI Tumbler.  Learn more...

  2. Bank of McKenney finalizes ATM/Debit Card renewal with Vantiv.

  3. Farmers Bank of Mountain City decides to migrate from In House Premier to Outsource.

  4. Joy Pelaez is taking a much needed two week vacation in Alaska.  No one deserves that down time more.  Stay safe Joy!

  5. UBank renews with Jack Henry and adds some new products and services along the way.

  6. First Vision Bank finalizes new contract with FIS.

  7. As a small business owner it is SO hard banking with a Community Bank.  Read more here...

  8. Half way through the year!  Take a moment and reflect what we were thankful for in 2015...Click Here

Newsletter Archive

Featured Article Archive

Top 10 Things We Are Thankful for in 2015

December 2015 | Volume 1 | Issue 1


Technology Considerations (Strategic Initiatives) for 2016

January 2016 | Volume 1 | Issue 2


The Year of the Chip - EMV for 2016

February 2016 | Volume 1 | Issue 3


Slay the Email Monster

March 2016 | Volume 1 | Issue 4

Core Vendor Invoicing and the Art of Making Sense of it All

April 2016 | Volume 1 | Issue 5

Is Outsourcing IT the Right Move for Bank?

May 2016 | Volume 1 | Issue 6

Apps That Make Our Lives Easier.

June 2016 | Volume 1 | Issue 7


Ministry Spotlight

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At Genesys, we have the priviledge of running into some of the most amazing ministries.  We love the summer time because we know that fathers and sons from all over the United States are gathering in Colorado on a true adventure.

Christ in the Rockies (CITR) is a unique ministry that feeds a man's spirit of adventure.  Mike and his team bring the lost art of "confirmation" and "ceremony" to a fun filled week where a father and son can bond in the name Christ.  CITR provides fathers with the opportunity to pour truth in their sons while confirming them with their belief that they, as fathers, believe in their sons and let them know they have exactly what it takes to make it in the world today.

If this peaks your interest...check out Christ in the Rockies here.

Featured Article
Services Spotlight
Vendor News
Ministry Spotlight
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